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Greeter Positions

Welcoming a Newcomer to the Group

Greeters play a critical role in the first experience a newcomer has to a group and to Alcoholics Anonymous. Making a newcomer feel welcome in their first experience could make all the difference on whether or not they return for another meeting. 

Before the Meeting

1. Sign in to the meeting 20 minutes prior to the beginning of the scheduled meeting time.

2. Welcome attendees to the meeting, specifically looking for those that you have not seen before or may be potential newcomers to AA or to The Unfortunates Group.

3. After identifying a newcomer, welcome them and let them know you are available for questions about AA, this meeting, sponsorship and can help provide them with literature like big books and pamphlets.

During the meeting

At the Start of the Meeting

Paste the following or similar message to the meeting chat. 
“Welcome to The Unfortunates
If you need confirmation of meeting attendance please send your email address via chat to a greeter. If you have any questions please stay after the meeting and we will be happy to help.”


Be aware of potential newcomers throughout the meeting.


Watch the chat to answer any questions a newcomer may have and provide meeting attendance information via email.

Recommended Attendance Email Format:

AA Meeting Attendance Confirmation  


To whom it may concern,  
This is an email confirmation that (
Persons' Name) attended the Unfortunates (7:00pm CST OR 7:00am CST) AA meeting.


(Your Name)

Need Meeting Confirmation?
If you need confirmation of meeting attendance please send your email address via chat to a greeter.  If you have any questions please stay after the meeting and we will be happy to help.

After the Meeting

Stay on after the close of the meeting, announcing you are available to any newcomers to visit and help answer questions they may have after the meeting. 


Provide newcomers with our Newcomer Information Page.


Always be prepared to discuss what AA is (The Big Book, Alcoholics Anonymous) and the importance of sponsorship in the role of actively working the program of recovery and how it has helped you.


You can familiarize yourself with potential questions newcomers may have by reviewing the P-24 A Newcomer Asks.


For questions regarding Greeter roles, email

Morning Greeters
When: Monday - Sunday 

6:40 - 7:05 AM

Where: ZOOM


Evening Greeters
When: Thursday 

6:40 - 7:05 PM

Where: ZOOM


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